
Returns Instructions

*As of January 30th, 2025, will not be accepting returns. If you are not happy with your order, please reach out to customer service and we will work with you to refund your order. *

If you wish to return an item to, please follow the instructions below within 30 days of purchase.

  1. Pack the item(s) securely in the original product packaging, if possible. All items must be returned in good condition to ensure that you receive credit. Before sending your return shipment, please remove all extra labels from the outside of the package.
  2. Enclose the top perforated portion of the original receipt, please include your order number, reason for return, billing name, and address with the item(s).
  3. Send the return package to the following address (you can use the label provided on the front of your receipt):
    ATTN: American Crew
    5360 Capital Ct
    Reno, NV. 89502
  4. Package should be shipped pre-paid through a traceable method like UPS or Insured Parcel Post. Please note: Shipping and Handling costs, gift box costs and other charges are non-refundable. We cannot accept COD deliveries.